On the 21st of April we learned to build different shapes using several commands. Using pline command we drew the shape and extrude d it normally, perpendicularly to the plan. We drew an inclined line towards the plan and extrude d the shape choosing Direction . Then we drew a circle and an inclined curved line (command spline ) and extruded choosing Path . We can make extrusion -choosing taper angle. We built a cylinder by extruding a circle. It was solid. To make it empty inside, we made another cylinder by extruding a smaller circle, fitted it to the first cylinder and substracted . And decreased the transparency of their layer. Another substraction between cylinders. We can fill the different polygons with the tool region and use substraction command. After building the "construction" for the new surface, we used the command: Edgesurf . We can Thicken it. To create a loft we dr...