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Polyhedrons - How they match

On 31st of March  class we created  different polyhedrons. Each polyhedron has a matching geometrical figure. We tried to find matches for each shape and used several different tools.


Dodecahedron consists of 12 pentagons. So, at first we created pentagons. And using circles and lines we found their meeting point. Then, we 3Drotated them.

 After one of them was rotated we used 3Darray.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               When half of the dodecahedron was built we used 3Dmirror to accomplish it.


Icosahedron can be built inside the dodecahedron, using the centres of the pentagons.



Octahedron is built by 3Dmirroring the pyramid with the square on the base.
Octahedron can be matched with the cube . For this we can use Align command.

We need to scale the object while aligning.

Cube can also be placed in the octahedron

Link for the DWG file:
