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Showing posts from March, 2020

Cone, Sections.

On 17th of March we learned how to mirror a 3D object (cone) and create sections with different planes. At first we built a cone using a Revolve tool. As it was solid we copied the cone and made  a  substraction. After that we created a plane on top of the cone and 3Dmirror ed the cone. Then with 3DRotation we made several planes with different inclinations towards the cones. For creating the sections we used command Section, for which we selected both cones (if the plane covered both) and the 3 points of the plane.After this we separated the sections from the cones. And created new layer for the sections. After Explosion of the sections we revsurf ed them and created new shapes. Link of the DWG file:

First attempts: "Abstraction" by Davit Kakabadze

Parabolic surfaces, 3D Figures

 On the 3rd of March we learned to create parabolic surface and other 3D figures. For creating a parabola we built 2 perpendicular axis and marked two spots - Vertex and Focus (which's distance from the vertical axis is twice in comparison with the distance between Vertex and the same axis.) From the spot F we built concentric circles by offset ing for one and the same number.  Then we drew lines keeping the same distance. Using spline tool and the crossing points of the circles and lines we drew a parabola. To build a surface with a thickness, we  offset ed the curve of parabola and added the edges. We used Revsurf to build a parabolic surface from the parabolic curve and the axis. And repeated it twice for the second parabolic line and the edge. We can enter command Shade for better visualisation. Using a horizontal axis we can create a different surface. In this case i used 3Drotate to change the position of the figure. ...